Friday, September 25, 2015

Men Are That They Might Have Joy

One of the most well-known and quoted scriptures concerning The Fall of Adam comes from 2 Nephi 2:25. It states: "Adam fell that men might be; and men are, that they might have joy". The Fall is one of the three pillars of the Plan of Salvation. It was necessary for Adam to fall, so that we may be born on this earth. What is one of the reasons that we are on the earth? According to Lehi, it is that we might have joy. I think that oftentimes we (or at least, I) tend to focus on the trials in our lives. Yes, we were sent to the earth to be tested and endure tribulations, but we also have to remember that experiencing joy is essential to our development as well. Where do we find joy? Through the great love, mercy, and power of the atonement of Jesus Christ. Righteousness brings happiness. This is an eternal law. I would challenge you to find true and lasting happiness in your life by daily seeking the Lord. I know that as you do, you will feel His love, your joy will increase, and you will become more like Him.

Friday, September 18, 2015

They Knew Not the Dealings of That God Who Had Created Them

I think we all tend to read 1 Nephi quite frequently. Sometimes it is difficult to get tons of meaning out of it because it is read so often. The other day as I was studying in 1 Nephi 2, and verse 12 caught my eye. It states: “And thus Laman and Lemuel, being the eldest, did murmur against their father. And they did murmur because they knew not the dealings of that God who had created them.”
Laman and Lemuel are famous for their murmuring. They murmured when they left Jerusalem, when they went back to get the plates, when Nephi’s bow broke, when Nephi was commanded to build a ship, etc. Verse twelve explains why. “They did murmur because they knew not the dealing of that God who had created them”. How often do we murmur when we don’t see the eternal “big picture”? I know I tend to murmur to God more frequently than I should. When we can see the eternal scheme of things, everything that we are asked to do and endure in this life becomes much easier to bear. We can receive this perspective by relying on the Lord and frequently attending the temple. Having an eternal mindset will help us overcome every trial we face.
When you find yourself starting to murmur, I would challenge you to turn to the Lord and ask for eternal perspective. As we come to better know our Heavenly Father and His plan for us, we will trust Him and find a greater sense of gratitude and wonderment through the midst of our trials.

Saturday, September 12, 2015

Nephi's Thesis Statement

    I have found many wonderful insights in the first few chapters of the Book of Mormon because of my tendency to reread it frequently. Among these is 1 Nephi 1:20. After Nephi recounts Lehi's vision and preachings, he tells readers of the Jews' reactions to his father's preachings. The Jews wanted to cast Lehi out and stone him. After describing these death threats, Nephi proclaims: "But behold, I, Nephi, will show unto you that the tender mercies of the Lord are over all those whom he hath chosen, because of their faith, to make them mighty even unto the power of deliverance".
    I like to think of this phrase as Nephi's "thesis statement" for his books of scripture. I also find it interesting that it is the last sentence of his first section, or introduction, of scripture- exactly where a normal thesis statement would be placed.
    Well, what is the purpose of a thesis statement? It is to summarize the point you will make within your work. What is Nephi's purpose?  To show us that through faith, the Lord will bless us with His tender mercies. These mercies, through the atonement of Jesus Christ, will deliver us from our pains, weakness, trials, and tribulations.
    If any man has the right to discuss tribulations, surely it is Nephi. He fled into the wilderness with his family, only to be mocked and hunted by his brothers, to starve, and to do perform the seemingly impossible task of building a ship (to name a few). Yet, as discussed in class, we must leave our comfort zones so the Lord can throw us into the wilderness. In these wildernesses, we learn of the goodness of God and are blessed through His tender mercies. Once we have learned the lessons necessary and developed the qualities of more celestial-beings, we our guided to a promised land of wealth and happiness untold. We are delivered from our pain, and are blessed exceedingly because of the faith we placed in Christ and His atonement.
    We all go through our own personal wildernesses on a regular basis, and in different seasons of our lives. When you find yourself in these dark places, I challenge you to look for the tender mercies of the Lord. Have the faith necessary to bring these mercies. When  you recognize them, cherish them, write them down, and hold to these reminders of God's love for you. You can be lifted and strengthened through the atonement of Jesus Christ. What a wonderful blessing it is to have such knowledge. I testify of the reality of Christ's atonement. I testify that through Him, we can overcome any trial or weakness we have, if only we put our faith and trust in Him. I see His hand in my life every single day. He is merciful and generous beyond expression. Seek Him in your life, and you will realize the same is true for you.

Friday, September 4, 2015

Condemn Not the Things of God

At the end of the title page of the Book of Mormon, Moroni admonishes his readers to "condemn not the things of God, that ye may be found spotless at the judgement-seat of Christ". This is one of the final commandments prepared in the Book of Mormon. Moroni promises that if we do not condemn the things of God, that we will be found spotless- what a wonderful blessing! However, I have observed that this is easier said than done.
How often do we condemn the things of God? Well, we're not going around defaming the prophets and preaching anti-mormon literature. However, are there times when we put things of the world above the things of God?  How often do we put God in the middle or at the bottom of our priority list? When we do not place sufficient value on the things of God, particularly His word, we are condemning these things to a state of unimportance. In turn, we condemn ourselves by lacking to reach our full potential.
To receive eternal life, we must take time to study the scriptures. We must "lay aside the things of this world, and seek for the things of a better" (D&C 25:10). I would challenge you to make Heavenly Father the top priority in your life this week. Condemn not His word, by studying it. Let his promises change your heart and inspire you to become more like Him.