Saturday, November 7, 2015

Poisoned By Degrees

The story of Amalickiah and Lahonti is one of my favorites. At first, Lahonti stay strong against the beckoning call of Amalickiah. After much entreaty, he and his guards finally meet Amalickiah just outside his camp. Lahonti makes a deal with Amalickiah, and allows him to enter his camp. In verse 18 of Alma 47, it states: "And it came to pass that Amalickiah caused that one of his servants should administer poison by degrees to Lehonti, that he died." Not only was Lahonti poisoned by degrees, but he also left the safety of his camp by degrees.
How often do we leave the safety of the Lord's side? We may not be tempted to go out and commit a heinous sin, but Lucifer knows that he is much more effective when he can slowly but surely lure us from our refuge of safety. We rationalize our behavior, and before we know it, we are poisoned by degrees until we die. These changes can come slowly enough that we may not even recognize what is happening.
The surest way to avoid the grasp of Satan is to stay as far from him as possible. If you stay as far from the edge as possible, you won't fall. I challenge you to re-commit yourself to living the gospel more fully. Study your scriptures and pray daily. Attend church, Institute, and the temple. These things will bless your life and keep you from straying. Remember, Satan will tempt you by degrees until he can kill you by degrees. Stay strong, endure well, and the Lord will bless you eternally.

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